Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 1: Lily's 1st Day of School

So, I've decided to start a "school" for Lily. I've been wanted something to help keep myself busy, and a way to do more crafts and activities with Lily. So last night I decided that we're going to have "school" every day after luch for 1/2 hour. And I'm going to keep a blog with what I do each day so that next year I can just refer to it with Lily and Lance, or if I ever decide to teach preschool or something, I'll have something kind of established.

Day 1: Today we read a few books about school, and I told Lily I was her teacher. We sang Mary Had a Little Lamb and had music time, where we talked about what our hands do and sang about our hands. Then we had computer time and watched a few videos of Elmo singing about hands.

1 comment:

  1. That's great, Cami!

    Have you seen this website?

    It's maybe a little too old for Lily, but I like the idea of taking a letter each week and using that s your learning theme. The possibilities are endless as to what you focus on. One daycare I checked out had their weekly letter board and on it they had things that started with that letter for different subjects-a country, a food, a color (if possible), a sign in sign language, etc. Their 30-60 minute learning time revolved around that letter. I think often people wait longer than needed to start teaching their kiddos the ABCs-not just the song but the practical applications of them and really what they are, and this is an easy way to incorporate that!
